How, When and What to Feed Your Baby at 6 Months Old

By Arabella |
|5 min read

At 6 months old your baby is starting to develop their own personality. While milk is still the most important thing for them, you may be starting to wonder what should a 6-month-old feeding schedule be? Truth is, all babies are different and while there may be a ton of different baby books out there, your baby may be different from the one written about. While no two babies are the same when it comes to eating, today we have for you some helpful tips which along with the information your doctor gives you will help you make sure you have a baby with a full tummy and a big smile.

When to Feed Your Baby

Having a good feeding schedule for a 6-month-old baby not only makes sure they are eating enough but also makes your own life so much easier as well. While your baby may be different, here is a reliable feeding schedule for a 6 month old which will give you an idea. Parents can adjust it to suit their baby as needed.

When They Wake

For argument's sake let's use 7:30 AM as an example. Once babies wake they will be cranky and hungry, so give them their first milk feed.

  • 08:00 AM Breakfast: If 7 AM is when they wake, 8:00 AM is the perfect time for their first solid meal.

  • 10:30 AM: By this time they will have had their morning nap and be a little hungry again so give them another milk feed.

  • 12:00 PM Lunch: Now it is time for lunch! Give them something tasty and nutritious, and use this time to experiment with new foods for them to taste.

  • 1:30 PM: More than likely they will have had another nap shortly after lunchtime, so another batch of milk will be needed now.

  • 3:00 PM: More milk. Use your best judgment about how much they need as you do not want them so full that they refuse their dinner.

  • 5:00 PM Dinner: This is a tricky one as every family is different and your baby's bedtime will differ from others. However, 5:00 PM is a good time for their main meal of the day. If you have dinner at 6:00 PM, for example, adjust your feeding schedule accordingly.

  • 7:00 PM Bedtime: One good habit to get into is tying in their last feed of the night with their evening bath. Bath time, milk, then cuddle time is a great way to finish the day.

How to Make Feeding Your Baby Easier

If you baby follows the 6-month-old feeding schedule then great! However, if you need a little help during feeds and meal times here are a few tips.

Know Your Baby's Moods

All kids are different and no one knows your baby better than you. The feeding schedule can come in very handy if your baby is grouchy right after a nap. Use this knowledge to get them to eat when they are happy and not tired.

No Using Force

We are not talking about Star Wars here, but forcing the spoon into your baby's mouth. Feeding should not feel like a chore for the baby, even when it is stressful for you! Let them take their time. When they want it, they will allow you to put the spoon in their mouth.

Try New Foods

Eating solids is an exciting time, but do not overwhelm them. It can be hard to know how much should a 6-month-old baby eat, but trying just one new solid food at a time is the easiest way for you both.

The Do's and Don'ts of Feeding Your Baby

As you can see in the 6-month-old feeding schedule we suggested, you have plenty of time each day to be creative with what your baby eats. Here are some suggestions and also some foods to stay away from.

What to

  • Milk: No matter if it is breastmilk or if they are on formula, milk is a major main part of your baby's nutrition.

  • Baby Cereal: Babies these days have it made! There are so many baby cereals on the market that not only are packed with nutrients and vitamins to help their development but are also very, very tasty!

  • Orange And Yellow Vegetables: Not only are these delicious, they are a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods. Let them try mushing on a carrot stick or a nice tomato. Let them try all kinds of vegetables so they can find what they like. If they do not like something first time, try it again at a later date so you know for sure.

  • Fruit: Fruit is nature's candy and babies love it. Bananas are awesome as they are tasty, fun to eat, and they can mush them up. Try apple chunks, an avocado and more! Get creative and let your baby sample all kinds of healthy fruit.

What Not to

  • Raw Honey: Stay away from raw honey as it could actually be fatal. Botulinum toxin spores can be in raw honey and they can actually cause death.

  • Cow's Milk: The only milk your baby should have is formula or breastmilk.

  • Choking Hazard: This can be anything really. Look for food that they cannot mush up or that they could swallow in one go. When you are figuring out how much should a 6 month old eat, you realize it is actually quite a lot. However, still take the time to make sure the food you are giving them is not a choking hazard.

  • Shellfish: Babies as young as 6 months can enjoy the delights of fish as long as it is mashed up thoroughly or in a kind of puree. What they cannot have is shellfish so stay away from that.

If you have any worries about putting together a feeding schedule for 6-month-old babies, ask your doctor and they will be able to help. These days, you can find many healthy snacks and meals for 6 month old babies. Most of these are designed with health in mind and ensuring your baby gets all they need to not just help them grow, but also put a big food-covered smile on their face.



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