7 Causes and 6 Best Tips for Dark Circles Under Kids’ Eyes

By Emma |
|5 min read

Dark circles under eyes in kids also known on technical grounds as periorbital hyperchromia can be defined as the discoloration of the area under the eye. Both old and young can fall victim to this condition. If your child gets this condition, you should not be worried. The discoloration is not an infection, nor does it cause pain or any discomfort. It only causes a change in appearance. The discoloration happens in cases where the skin around the eyes gets thinner and exposes blood vessels more. If any severe issue is experienced, a doctor should be seen.

Possible Causes of Dark Circle Under Kids' Eyes

There are a number of causes that are behind this dark eye condition. Below are some of the more common reasons.

1. Allergies

Children are highly susceptible to skin allergic reactions and eczema. Some of the allergic reactions are due to environmental issues like a cold or what they eat. Allergic reactions trigger the release of histamine which causes itching, dilation of veins, and inflammation of the skin. The congestion of blood in the veins around kids' eyes is what causes the dark circles.

2. Sinus infection

Sinus infection is the inflammation of soft tissues around the sinus or air cavities within the nose. Sinus infections are caused by chemical irritation, colds or an allergic reaction. The resulting inflammation affects blood flow in the veins around the skin, which result in dark circles under eyes in kids.

3. Tiredness

Children's days are characterized by a lot of play activities and school work. This necessitates the need for enough sleep which helps the body to recover. But if children are deprived of sleep, maybe due to tiredness, their bodies do not recover fully which makes their skin pale. That paleness effect is more pronounced as darkened eye circles.

4. Prolonged sun exposure

Although most kids' activities are outdoors, do not let them stay exposed to the sun for long. Long exposure increases production of melanin which is the skin darkening pigmentation. Sometimes, if there is too much sun exposure, the skin becomes darker.

5. Frequent eye rubbing

Have you ever realized that kids like to rub their eyes? Well, this is one cause of child dark circles under the eyes. The skin under their eyes is very sensitive and thin. Frequent rubbing of their eyes leads to vein breakages which lead to skin darkening.

6. Skin complexion

Human skin has a variety of different complexions. Some people have very light skin. If your kid is of those with light skin, then do not look for another cause of the dark circles under their eyes. Such skin type is more susceptible to this condition.

7. Genetics

Genes are like blueprints for the human complexion. They are inherited from parents and passed through generations. Skin pigmentation is also a genetic affair. Thus, dark circles of eyes are a family thing, maybe with parents or any family member. These genes are passed on to kids.

Tips to Avoid Dark Circles Under Eyes in Kids

It is very possible to treat or avoid dark circles under kids' eyes. But for this to happen the real cause of the darkening must first be known. That is why a doctor's advice or diagnosis is vital. Below are some of the tips to avoid dark circles.

1. Treat allergies

Allergy can be the main cause of dark circles under eyes child. If as a parent, you notice other symptoms which accompany allergies like a runny nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, sore throat or sinus pressure, you better treat that allergy first. You can consult a doctor for a diagnosis to find out which kind of allergy you are dealing with and then avoid whatever is causing the allergy, such as pollen or dusty areas. If avoidance is not possible, always wash your kids and their clothes well if they get into contact with pollen or dust.

2. Use nasal saline rinses

Saline rinses are essential since they will help you clean your kid's nose effectively. Saline rinses can be used for kids aged two or over. You can make a homemade saline solution by mixing a quarter tablespoon of common sea salt in two cups of warm water and stirring them well.

3. Get kids to bed early

If you suspect the dark circles under your kid's eye are due to lack of sleep, then enough sleep is the treatment needed. You should not let them stay up late. Make sure you get them to bed early to get adequate sleeping hours.

4. Use sunscreen

On those days you have decided to go to the beach or you know they are to be exposed to sun rays for a long time, ensure they use sunscreens. But, you must consult your doctor about the best brand, as some brands might have dangerous chemicals.

5. Apply cold compress

Cold compressing can work well in treating dark circle eyes if they are as a result of eye tiredness. The cold effect of refrigerated pieces of cotton or pieces of cloth is very effective. Additionally, a chilled spoon can also work.

6. Use cucumber

If you cut a cucumber into pieces, smash it and make a juice, then apply it to the dark circles. It works by discouraging any fluid accumulation which mostly accumulates after eye scratching. All you need to do is apply the juice, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your kid's face using enough water. You can use these treatment options three times a week.

This dark circles under kids eyes are never harmful. But why should they be there anyway? By following the above reference guidelines under doctors' advice you can do away with them. Make the decision to act and get rid of these circles.



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