How Often Should a Newborn Poop: Best Tips for You

By Elaine Belcher |
|5 min read

Many new parents have heard the horror stories of having to deal with a baby's poop, but very few really know what to expect. Some new parents wonder, how often should newborns poop? And that is what we are going to be looking at today. The thing with babies and their poop is that all babies are different and there is a very wide spectrum of pooping habits that are perfectly normal. It may not be the prettiest journey, but today we are taking a closer look at babies' pooping habits!

Baby Poop and the Facts

Here we are going to look at some of the need to know facts such as how often should a newborn poop and other interesting, but not very pretty facts. If you do have any major concerns or worries about your baby and their pooping habits please speak to your doctor.

1. How Many Times Should a Newborn Baby Poop Per Day?

This is one of the most common things new parents wonder, but there can be a difference between a baby that is breastfed and a baby that is formula fed. Just remember all babies are different and some days they may poop more than others.

  • Breastfed: In all honesty, there is no officially correct answer for how often should a baby poop when it comes to a baby that is breastfed. The first week it will most likely be a couple of times per day. In the weeks after this, it can be anything up five, six, seven or maybe more. Most parents notice that babies seem to love having a poop just after you put them in a fresh diaper.

  • Formula Fed: Formula fed babies tend to poop a little bit less, usually around three times per day. However, it can sometimes be as little as one poop per day. Again, we need to stress that all babies are different so as long as they are going regularly do not be concerned.

2. Oh My Goodness, What Is That?

As well as asking how often should newborns poop, many parents also wonder what on earth is this foul-smelling stuff that is coming out of their baby. Babies' poop is not pretty. The first week it can be very runny and almost black - this is called meconium. Then over the next couple of weeks, they change from green to yellow, and then brown. Breastfed babies tend to have more yellow poop than those who are fed with formula. When it comes to baby poop, when you talk to other parents, you will be amazed at what their stories are in regards to what their baby's poop looks like.

3. What about When They Can't Go?

While some babies can poop like they are a pooping machine, constipation in babies is actually more common than you would think. It can be constipation that actually leads a parent to ask, how often should a baby poop? If a baby has constipation, you can help by making sure they get more fluids, and foods like a fruit puree have proven to be fantastic for helping a baby with constipation.

How Can You Help Your Baby Poop

There is no clear-cut answer for how often should a newborn poop. However, we do have some helpful tips that can help move things along if you feel your baby is having a little trouble staying regular.

  • Give them more fluids: Some parents make the mistake in thinking that the milk their baby is getting counts as their water intake. If you find that your baby is having trouble with constipation, give them more water. Something as little as a quarter cup of water after each feeding can make a whole lot of difference.

  • Work it out of them: A nice little tummy massage can help move things along nicely. We would not advise doing this just after feeding though, but a couple of times per day can help. As well as this, having them lie on their back and work their legs gently like they are riding a bike can get things moving in the right direction.

  • A nice warm bath: Spoiler alert, all babies will poop in the bath at least once! Think about how nice and relaxing a warm bath for you is. Well, it is the same thing for a baby. It helps them relax and let their body do what it needs to do. More often than not when they are in the bath.

  • Use a glycerin suppository: This is something that we would only recommend doing if you have consulted with a doctor first so that you know exactly what kind and what size to use. The idea behind these is that they will make a baby poop, usually within 30 minutes of being used.

  • Talk to your doctor: If you have tried giving them more fluids, massage, warm baths and you are still concerned that they are not pooping enough, talk to your doctor. Most of the time they will tell you things are fine and to keep doing what you are doing. However, they will also be able to advise you if they think your baby needs a little more help in pooping.

It can be so easy to worry about every little thing about your baby, especially when it comes to their poop as you wonder how your little bundle of beautiful joy can produce that in their diaper. So when it comes to how often should newborns poop, as long as they are going regularly and are not in any pain, you do not have to worry about it. If you do still have some things you are not sure about, ask a doctor. They will be able to give you all the advice you need to help keep your baby regular.



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