How Long Is a Cold Contagious: Symptoms and Tips

By Hannah |
|5 min read

The common cold is a viral disease that mostly affects the upper respiratory system. The most common virus that causes a cold is rhinovirus. The common cold disease is airborne, and as we breathe, there is a high probability of inhaling the virus. The germs can also be passed through contact.
You might be wondering, "How long is a cold contagious?” for a person becomes contagious one day before the symptoms show up and continue to be contagious for the next 5-7 days or until all the symptoms are gone. The case might be different for children as they can remain contagious for up to two weeks.

Common cold symptoms

Cold symptoms appear within the first three days after getting infected with the virus. They are closely related to flu symptoms. Common cold incubation symptoms might clear within the first ten days without medication, but it is always advisable to seek treatment for any infection. The common cold infection symptoms include the following:

  • A running nose or a congested nasal system.

  • Swelling of the mucous membrane and the blood vessels within the nose, as a result of the body producing histamine in the process of fighting the infection.

  • The nasal discharge can change color in the first three days from yellowish to green and can also become thicker.

  • Coughing triggered by nasal drips going down the throat from the nose.

  • Mild headaches and body aches.

  • Sneezing due to the irritation of the nose and throat mucous membrane, this is commonly referred to as the itchy or sore throat condition.

  • Wet or a productive cough.

  • Mild fatigue and weakness.

  • There are rare cases of high fever.

  • Pain while swallowing, especially if the throat is infected.
    The above symptoms should clear within the first ten days of taking over the counter medication or natural remedies. The symptoms can clear without any medication. However, if this is not the case, it might be an indication of a secondary infection or a condition that requires a further check-up from a medical doctor.

When should you seek immediate medical help?

There are situations after contracting a cold when immediate medical help is required. If you experience any of the following symptoms after the initial minor symptoms of a cold, you should consult a doctor.

Severe symptoms of a common cold

  • Cold symptoms that last more than ten days

  • Fever exceeding 38 degrees Celsius

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Inability to ingest and swallow solid food due to pain in the throat

  • Severe headaches and body aches

  • Breathing difficulties with regular shortness of breath

  • A fever that lasts for more than three days in children

  • Drinking difficulties and less urination than usual

  • A persistent cough with a wheezing sound

  • A blue or grayish tint around the nails, nose, and lips

  • Extreme lack of energy, weakness, and poor eyesight

  • A cough that has blood in it

  • Sudden weight loss and lack of appetite

  • A cough that gets worse when you lie down.

Is it Flu or the Common Cold?

The flu and a cold are two infectious diseases that are hard to differentiate based only on symptoms. It is always advisable to seek treatment if you suspect that you have either of them. However, most of the time, they can clear on their own or after using over-the-counter medication. If the symptoms get worse to visit a physician or a doctor.

Flu symptoms

  • If the symptoms develop rapidly rather than gradually, it's an indication of flu.

  • Since the respiratory system is infected, you will definitely have breathing difficulties.

  • A regular headache as well as aches all over the body. Headaches are less common with a cold.

  • Mild chills that get moderate with time.

  • A dry hacking cough as opposed to a mucous producing cough.

  • A stuffy nose that turns runny with clear mucus.

  • Moderate fatigue or a general feeling of weakness to total exhaustion.

  • Loss of appetite is common in children, and less urination can follow.

  • Having high temperatures exceeding 38 degrees Celsius.

What to do if you have a cold?

The common cold is a distracting disease, always sneezing or having to clear a blocked nose is irritating. In some severe cases, symptoms of a cold are painful and can be life-threatening. To keep others safe, it is worth knowing how long is a cold contagious so that you don't infect them. The best solution is to get medication as fast as possible. This can be either natural remedies or through visiting a doctor.
Some of the main medications used for the treatment of the common cold are decongestants and antihistamines. The choice of what to use is determined by the prevalent symptom, for example, an antihistamine is good for a running nose. Some natural based medicines may include but are not limited to garlic capsules, vitamin C supplements, and berry juices.

Preventive measures for a common cold

In line with a popular saying, prevention is always better than a cure. You can keep yourself safe from cold infection by taking the following steps.

  • Wash your hands regularly as the virus can live on every object that it comes into contact with, not forgetting that dust particles are objects too

  • Stay away from infected people

  • Regularly take probiotics and zinc

  • Boost your immune system with vitamin C and D

  • Disinfect all objects that are prone to contamination, for example, door handles and locks, telephones and computer keyboards.
    With proper preventive measures, you don't have to worry about "how long are you contagious with a cold”.
    As we have already discussed, the common cold is a highly infectious disease. As a result, anybody can easily get it, although the risk is higher for people living close to infected persons. For those who already have a cold, you can try natural home remedies or visit your doctor for treatment. However, patients with severe symptoms like pain and vomiting should seek immediate medical help. These practices will reduce the probability of infecting others. If you are not infected, always take preventive measures as outlined above.



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