How Long Does a Cold Last? A Few Days, One Week or More?

By Andy Brown |
|5 min read

We all are getting exposed to thousands of viruses every day, and some of these viruses are capable of making us sick and weaken our immune system. Cold or viral infections are considered some of the most contagious diseases in the world. If you are feeling sick with typical symptoms of cold like fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, you would definitely be annoyed by now and dying to know 'How long does a cold last?' Every year millions of children and adults suffer from the cold disease, that gives us symptoms of mild fever scratchy throat, runny nose, etc.

Cold occurs due to inhaling of viruses that belong to the groups like rhinovirus, human rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and parainfluenza viruses. The symptoms last 1 to 2 weeks, depending upon your immune system and the type of virus you are affected with.

What you may suffer during these days?

All diseases progress in stages, whether it's cold, viral infection or any other chronic diseases. By determining the stage you are in, you can easily stop it from advancing and know how long does a cold last? A sore throat, runny nose, tiredness are the common system of cold. In some cases, patients also complain of headaches, fever, muscle ache, etc.

A. Day 1 or 2: Something is wrong with me

You woke up with a headache, sore throat, cough and feeling. Is something not right? Yes. The first few days, you may feel a sore throat, fatigue and mild sneezing which gets worse the next day. Systems begin slowly, the second day you are feeling fatigue, sneezing more than normal, and have a sore or painful throat like something stuck there. Make sure you have taken leave from school or office and rest as much as you can.

B. Day 3 to 5: My throat is killing me

Last 2 days have been hard for you, now you can feel it with a full force. Dire need of knowing how long should a cold last as you have tons of things to do than resting.

Nasal symptoms getting worse including a runny nose and congestion, you may develop morning sickness, runny nose, with the discharge becoming thicker, yellow or green. A cough may develop because of postnasal drip or a sore throat. And beginning to notice other unusual symptoms like fever or muscle ache. You might have understood by now that you are infected by the virus and the time has come to visit a doctor and sending a leave application.

C. Day 6 to 7: I just can't eat, walk properly & resting the whole day

In most cases, people recover from cold without any particular treatment. You need to seek medical help if the symptoms are worsening, persistent and unusual. Consult your doctor right away, don't wait. Now you have a better understanding of how long do colds last and the symptoms.

Am I at the higher risk of catching a cold?

Nowadays, it is easy to catch a cold as our immune systems are weak and chances of getting in contact with contaminated surface or person are higher, especially at public places. There are other factors as well that may make you a first-hand victim of cold like season, age, smoking, lack of sleep.

A. Season. People are prone to viral infections during winter and rainy seasons. And you are likely to spend time indoors that makes you get in contact with other people which might be infected with the virus. Take care of your overall hygiene, wash your hands, cover your mouth and don't go near to healthy persons if you are affected.

B. Age. Age can majorly impact your resistance to infections. This is the reason children under the age of 6 are prone to catching a common cold. Keep your children away fan any infected person, monitor their symptoms regularly and seek medical help right away.

C. Lack of sleep. If you are not taking enough sleep of 8 hours, your natural defense system may slow down. Lack of sleep or changes in sleeping patterns raises your chances of catching a common cold. D. Smoking or second-hand smoke. Smoking weekends your body defense system and raises changes of catching common viral infections. Besides, tobacco some is very harmful, it can disrupt your throat lining.

What to do to get relieved during this period

  • Blow your nose.
  • Drink warm liquids.
  • Gargle to soothe a sore throat.
  • Warm liquids do magic to the sore throats and help prevents dehydration.
  • Gargle is the best remedy to moisten a sore throat and bring relief from pain.
  • Blow regularly in the cold. The best way to do it is press finger over one nostril and blow - gently to clear other. Don't forget to wash hands.
  • Have a steamy shower. Steamy bath moisturize your nasal passages and relax muscles. It is recommended to everyone suffering from a common cold for achieving a relaxation.



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