8 Best Ways to Get Rid of Pinworms

By Kelvin Daniel |
|5 min read

A pinworm infection might sound common but ask any sufferer and he will tell you how irritating it can be! Also known as enterobiasis or oxyuriasis, a pinworm infection is developed by tiny white worms (less than half an inch in size) which live in the rectum and colon of the infected person. This infection can be commonly seen in children but it can also affect the adults.

This contagious infection is caused by unknown intake of microscopic eggs laid by the pinworm. The eggs stay in the rectum and once they hatch, and develop into adults, the female pinworms come out of the human anus and also lay eggs in the area surrounding the anus. Frequent itching, uneasiness, rashes or pain in the anal area are some of the most common symptoms of pinworm infection. However, the other ones include disturbed sleep due to strong itching in the anal area and the existence of pinworms around the anus.

If you have been thinking how to get rid of pinworms, let us tell you that pinworm infection can be controlled by few effective home remedies and medical treatments as given below:

Best & Easy Home Remedies for Pinworms

A. Garlic

Take 2-3 cloves of raw garlic and chew them. You can also crush these cloves and mix them with petroleum jelly. Applying this paste on the problematic area will give you relief from itching caused by pinworms. Garlic contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that help prevent the pinworm infection. Garlic also stops female pinworms from laying eggs and damage the already laid eggs in the rectum.

B. A mix of tea-tree oil & coconut oil

Mix one drop of tea-tree oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil and apply it on the affected area. These oils have amazing anti-fungal attributes that combat any type of infection.

C. Eat fibrous foods

The intake of fibrous foods like carrot, spinach, broccoli, sprouts, etc enhance the digestion process and promote good bowel movements. Good and smooth bowel movements clean up the intestine and help push pinworms out of the body.

D. Lemon & warm water

Take one teaspoon lemon juice and mix it in one glass of warm water. Drink it daily once for at last 7 days. Lemon has acidic properties that reduce the level of PH in our body. Pinworms cannot survive in the low-ph atmosphere.

E. Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin is a rich source of cucurbitacins. The cucurbitacins are compounds which contain anthelmintic property. To use this remedy, take one bowl of pumpkin seeds and mix one cup of water. Blend them together and consume the paste every morning on empty stomach. These seeds paralyze pinworms and easily exit them from the body.

Medical Treatment for Pinworms

A. Over-the-counter pinworm medicine

Check for oral supplements that contain pyrantel pamoate. Taking this medicine helps paralyze pinworm and exit them out of the body through stools. However, do consult with your doctor for the proper dosage. Also, remember that this medicine can react with other few medications. So it is essential to have a prior clinical discussion for safe consumption of pyrantel pamoate. Most importantly, this drug should not be taken by breastfeeding or pregnant women and also by those who have liver problems.

B. Anti-parasite medication

Albendazole and mebendazole are often prescribed by doctors for treating the pinworm infection. These drugs are effective as they stop the worm from absorbing sugar. The lack of sugar in worms creates a lack of energy and they die. It is best to consult your doctor before consuming this medication as its side effects include pain in the stomach, disturbed digestion, fever, tiredness, short of breath and even abnormal bleeding. Thus, it is strongly recommended that you first discuss with your doctor and consume the anti-parasite medication only on the advice of a doctor. Also, it should not be taken by pregnant ladies and by kids below 2 years of age.

C. Anti-itch cream

Consult with your doctor and ask to prescribe a safe anti-itch cream or lotion that gives you a relief from itching caused by pinworms. Remember, that itching does not go off instantly after your first dosage of medication. Hence, be patient and avoid scratching as scratching worsen the situation by spreading the pinworm eggs. Using safe anti-itch cream will give you some relief from itching and irritation in the affected area.

All the above medications need an approval from a doctor before consumption. Do contact your doctor if you feel uncomfortable after taking the prescribed medicines.

Small & Useful Prevention Tips for Pinworms

  • Take bath every day to minimize possibilities of infection.
  • Keep your bedding, pillow covers, clothes and towels clean and disinfected.
  • Try to avoid scratching as that can spread infection and also promote skin rashes.
  • Keep your bathrooms and kitchens clean. Use hot water with mild detergent to clean these spaces.
  • Cut your nails and make sure they remain clean because nails are one of the most favorite places for pinworm eggs.
  • Wash your hands frequently and properly before eating anything. And make sure to spend at least 2 minutes in properly rubbing your hands with soap or liquid hand wash.

Personal Hygiene Keeps You Safe from Pinworm Infection

Precaution is always better than cure! Hence, take care of your personal hygiene in your daily life. In case of infection, you can apply safe home remedies or medicines mentioned above. However, do remember that you should take any medicines only after an in-depth consultation with your doctor.



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