Ways to Boost Your White Blood Cells

By Kelvin Daniel |
|5 min read

The human body has within the blood a unique group of fighter cells collectively called the white cells or leukocytes. These cells are specially designed to help the body successfully eliminate foreign substances particularly those with the ability to cause disease. The white cells are a critical part of the body's immune system and it is produced largely from the bone marrow. The types of white blood cells include granulocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes. They function by directly attacking the foreign substance or by producing antibodies that neutralize the invader. When you feed your immune system, you improve its fighting power. Your immune system and white blood cells work together to fight infections. You can naturally increase your white blood cell count, which in turn improves your overall immune system, by following these tried and trusted tips.

How to Increase White Blood Cells Effectively

1. Foods That Can Increase Your White Blood Cell Count

Proper feeding is another key tip on how to increase white blood cells.Your diet plays a crucial role in maintaining proper functioning of your immune system as it supplies the body with all the essential nutrients it requires. The following are some of the examples of foods that can increase an individual's level of white blood cells.

  • Food Rich in Vitamins E and C

Essential vitamins like vitamins E and C found in fruits like mangoes, avocados, apples. Vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, and turnips have also been shown to boost the function of the immune system by acting as antioxidants in stress situations, directly stimulating the cells of the immune system. A healthy amount of lean proteins in regular diet will also supply the body with the essential amino acid backbone to produce the cells of the immune system.

  • Maintain a Low Sugar Diet

Some people find it hard to enjoy beverages without sugar. If your goal is to maintain a high white cell count and a healthy immune system, then you'll need to cut down on all the sugar. A high sugar level has been associated with a state called lazy leukocyte syndrome where white blood cells are unable to function properly resulting in increased infection rates in these individuals.

  • Supplements

Micronutrients are needed by the body in very small amounts but may occasionally be missing from an individual's diet. Some of the supplements that are instrumental in improving your health condition and increase the white blood cell count include:

Zinc: It is known to slow down cancer progression and increase the number of T-cells available to fight an infection. It also plays a role in cell repair following injury or damage.

Selenium: It is a well-known immune booster thought to reverse the decreases in immune function associated with aging and will provide an extra burst of immune function if supplied in appropriate amounts.

It is important to note that these supplements are required in small amounts to produce desired effects. Taking too much may come with side effects or just have the opposite effects

2. Exercise and Lose weight

Many times, studies have associated overweight with a weaker immune system and an inability to fight infections optimally. It is best to maintain your weight within normal range (this varies based on individual's height and age). One way to achieve this is through increasing your physical activity and having an exercise routine. This must be done moderately though, as sudden or persistent increases in physical activity may amount to stress which can negatively impact your immune system.

3. Drink More Water

Every function of the body happens in a liquid environment and the immune function is no different. When you drink lots of water, it equips the body to produce more white blood cells, mount an immune response and clear foreign substances after they are destroyed (Weatherspoon, n.p). A healthy supply of water is also important for the kidneys to excrete all the toxic substances that are produced from the body daily. This simple tip on how to increase white blood cells is a proven easy preventive measure against many ailments.

4. Sleep More

How to increase wbc includes a good sleep schedule. A very important tip a lot of people overlook on how to increase white blood cells is to get more sleep often. While it may seem difficult to get the sleep you need while you're worried about your health, it's essential for you to get a good night's sleep every night. Very little or not enough sleep can further reduce your white blood cells, worsening your condition. Sleep deprivation leads to stress which consequently weakens the production of the antibodies by the immune system and makes us vulnerable to infection and disease.

Why You Need to Increase Your White Blood Cells

1. To boost your immune system

When white blood cells are boosted this in turn enriches your immune system; the immune system also in turn eliminates bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that are in the body system or entered the body system. When you have a strong immune system, it can help your body to avoid cancer and infections.

2. To prevent infections

The immune system provides the first line of action when it comes to defending the body from invaders. The immune system produces white blood cells that attacks and destroys the invaders through the release of chemicals like interferons and interleukins, and other antibodies.

3. To avoid cancer

According to a multi-institutional study, cancer patients who receive a drug that stimulates the growth of infection-fighting white blood cells may be significantly less likely to die from a chemotherapy-related complication characterized by low white blood cell levels (Weatherspoon, n.p). Our immune system works around the clock, year in and year out to protect us from infection and from cancer. The immune system is made of the white blood cells (especially lymphocytes) and organs rich in white blood cells, including lymph nodes, the spleen, and the thymus. Lymphocytes in our bloodstream and in our tissues fight cancer by secreting chemicals like interferons and antibodies which attach to cancer cells, attack and eventually kill them.


The white blood cell is the human defense and should be taken care of. Many foreign substances enter the body always hence the need to increase white blood cells. Increasing the white blood cells is a way of ensuring the human defends is updated and strengthened to be able to withstand various pathogens such as bacteria, virus and parasites. You should ensure that your WBC count is balanced to avoid leukopenia which is (Low WBC count) which causes symptoms like headaches, sore throat, fevers, cramps etc and high WBC count (Leukocytosis). No single drug can increase your white blood cells. Therefore you need to cultivate healthy habits such as exercising daily, eating healthy, taking enough rest and drinking more water, and also follow these simple steps on how to increase your white blood cells.



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