100 Times Sit-Ups Everyday: Best Tips for You

By Elaine Belcher |
|5 min read

One of the exercise goals that has really picked up steam this year is trying to do 100 times sit-ups everyday. Having a flat stomach with toned abs is a look many people want to achieve. Today we are talking about doing a lot of sit-ups. They will certainly strengthen your abdominal muscles and help sculpt them. However, the fact of the matter is simple: doing sit-ups alone is not going to burn away belly fat.

Should I Do 100 Times Sit-Ups Everyday?

When trying to get a more toned stomach, many people ask the question, "How many sit-ups should I do every day?” Let's consider this question today.

1. Will 100 Times Sit-Ups Everyday Make Me Lose Weight?

When it comes to toning the abdominals, there is a saying: a six-pack is as much made in the kitchen as it is in the gym. This is true. While doing a whole bunch of sit-ups each day may tone those particular muscles, it is not going to burn off much fat that might be covering them. Just doing 100 times sit-ups every day will not help you lose weight--that is a fact!

It is not just a case of asking, "How many sit-ups?” There is a lot more than just sit-ups that goes into getting the stomach that you really want. For example, to lose a pound a week you would need to somehow burn 500 calories per day for a whole week. You accomplish this with managing your food intake and, of course, exercising. 100 times sit-ups every day alone will not burn off that many calories. If you were to do five minutes of sit-ups, at most you are looking at burning around 30 calories. 30 calories is next to nothing in the grand scheme of things. However, if you were to change your diet, exercise more, and still do that same amount of sit-ups you would of course notice a difference in your weight loss.

2. How Many Sit Ups Can I Do Every Day?

Let's talk about 100 times sit-ups everyday. You've got to know that when it comes to doing a set number of sit-ups each day, each person is different. If you have only just started exercising, then it is completely unrealistic--and actually not safe--for you to be trying to do 100 times sit-ups all at once. You need to build up your body by getting used to this kind of exercise. Sit-ups are are unique exercise. If you are not doing them properly, then they can actually do more harm than good.

If you push yourself too hard, you can actually hurt yourself. Clearly, that would not be good. You need to walk that fine line between pushing yourself and avoiding injury. Be smart about your exercise goals so you do not hurt yourself.

3. Focus on the Quality of Your Sit Ups

There is no point at all in doing 100 times sit-ups everyday if half of them are not done properly. If you lay on the floor and just start doing really fast sit-ups with very poor form, you are likely to hurt yourself. Remember, the goal here is better health. Instead of going crazy, doing as many sit-ups as you can, you should really focus on each sit up as you are doing it, making sure that you are using proper form so that you are hitting the abs just right. It is far better to do 50 sit-ups properly than 100 that are done with poor form.

Make Sure You Do Your Sit-Ups Properly

As we have said, sit-ups are a great exercise. When done right, they can help give you some great looking abs. However, when they are not done right they can do more harm than good.

The Basics of How to Do a Sit-Up

There are many variations of a sit-up. What we are describing here is the most basic form of sit-up. Master this, then you can advance into different variations of sit-ups.

  • Lay on the floor (or mat) on your back. Keep your feet flat on the floor and have your hands at your sides. If you prefer, you can have your fingers touching your ears. Your feet should be hip-width apart.

  • In a controlled motion, lift your body until your body is just a couple of inches from your thighs. Make sure you are exhaling as you go.

  • In a controlled motion, return to your lying-down position, inhaling as you recline.

Again, that is the most basic form for one sit-up. First work on this, and then you can start to ask yourself, "How many sit-ups should I do everyday?” Focus on getting your form right, and then work on the amount you can do.

Common Mistakes People Make When Doing Sit-Ups

Let's look at the most common mistakes when doing sit-ups.

  • The first and most common one is people pulling themselves up with their neck. This is horrible form. It will not work your abs and can actually hurt your neck.

  • Some people like to put a weight on their feet or place their feet under the sofa while they do sit-ups. This can lead to injury. Never keep your feet locked in position when you are doing as sit-up.

  • Watch your form! We have said this a few times, but people tend to go way too fast when they do sit-ups. Keep your focus on quality instead of quantity. For example, do not just let your body fall to the floor on the way back down. Go down in a controlled motion so that your abs get the full effect of the sit-up.

We know that the idea of the challenge sounds like a sure-fire way to six-pack abs. However, you will build your overall health and fitness if you start by making sure you are doing your sit-ups right. After that, set new goals to increase the number of sit-ups you can do. Also, remember: to get a toned stomach, you need to watch what you eat and make sure you are doing enough exercise, in addition to doing a load of sit-ups.



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