Ways to Avoiding Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary Tract Infections are infections that affect any of the parts that comprise the urinary system, including the kidneys, the urethra, and the ureters. In most cases of UTIs, the bladder and the urethra are the ones affected. If you talk to anyone who has ever suffered from a Urinary Tract Infection, he or she will tell you that it is not a nice experience at all and should be avoided at all costs. UTIs occur when bacteria find their way in the urine and affect the bladder, kidneys, ureters and the urethra. The common causes of Urinary Tract Infections are sex, dehydration, failure to control diabetes, constipation and the act of holding urine for a long time. The causes of UTIs can be summed up in hygienic factors, which means that observing proper hygiene can greatly help in preventing the occurrence of UTI'S. The diagram below shows the parts of the urinary system.
Bladder infection is a form of Urinary Tract Infection that affects the bladder and is caused by bacteria that move to the bladder through the urethra. Bladder infections in most cases occur suddenly and they can also reoccur after long periods of time... In normal cases, the body flushes bacteria in the bladder in the process of peeing, but if you hold urine for a long time, the bacteria gets ample time to spread overwhelming the ability of the body to suppress them resulting to an infection of the bladder. Some of the most common symptoms of a bladder infection include painful urination, blood in the urine, frequent urination and cramps in the lower abdomen. The difference between a bladder infection and UTIs is that the former is a Urinary Tract infection that affects the lower parts of the Urinary system, while the latter is an infection that affects any part of the Urinary System.
Urinary Tract Infections Remedies
Urinary Tract Infections are undesirable, painful and in some cases, they are fatal if diagnosed at a later stage. In some cases, the urge to urinate frequently is quite embarrassing because one might wet himself or herself in case there is no washroom nearby. It is therefore important to use all possible ways of attempting to get rid of a UTIs of getting rid of all the infections of the Urinary Tract system to avoid any of the shortcomings associated with it. Ways in which you can get rid of UTIs are categorized into two group: home remedies and medical treatment.
A. Home Remedies
It's always good to seek medical advice whenever you have some symptoms of an infection in your Urinary Tract System. However, there are several ways in which the UTIs can be avoided using home-based ways, and treating them if the infection has already stricken you or a family member.
While it is always a good idea to speak to a doctor for advice, there are ways the symptoms of a UTI can be treated at home. Some of the home based remedies are discussed below:
1. Drinking Enough Water
Drinking plenty of water is one of the most basic ways of curing a UTI infection. It's recommended that you keep your body well hydrated to ensure that there is enough water to flush out bacteria from your body. By taking water often, the bladder gets filled fast, which means that more and more bacteria are flushed out of the body. Little water in the body results in the bladder taking long to fill before a signal can be sent for urination ion, which means that the bacteria in the bladder will get more time to grow.
2. Frequent Urination
The bladder flushes out bacteria through urination, which means that if you urinate frequently more bacteria will be flushed out of the body. Holding urine for a long time will give bacteria time to grow and spread, and therefore drinking lots of water and urinating regularly will help ease UTI symptoms and therefore helpful in bladder infection treatment.
3. Use of Heating Pads
Pain and discomfort caused by UTIs can be temporarily relieved by placing a heating pad around the pubic area. It's important to ensure that heat is not applied directly to the skin and it should not be too much, nor should it be for a long period of time. Exposing the body to heat for a long period of time may cause skin burns.
4. Change in Birth Control Method
Urinary Tract Infections are a possible result of prolonged use of oral contraceptives, vaginal ring, and vaginal tablets among other birth control methods. If you are on an oral contraceptive, it is important to clean the genital area from the back to the front after having sex with lukewarm water. It is also important to urinate before and after sex. However, if all of these precautions don't help, you might need to change your birth control method.
5. Right Clothing
It's advisable to dress up in loose clothing so as to prevent moisture from making UTIs worse. Being in tight clothes encourages moisture to develop, providing a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.
B. Medical Treatment
If the symptoms become severe after the home-based treatment methods, it's advisable to seek medical advice. The UTI might be chronic, which needs medical intervention.
1. Use of Antibiotics
Antibiotics are commonly prescribed by doctors to fight the bacteria causing infection. Urinary Tract Infections start in cases where bacteria find its way into the Urinary tract system. The use of antibiotics is one of the best ways of treating UTIs because they kill the bacteria that cause the infections. Some of the Antibiotics that work best are Ampicillin, Fosfomycin, Keflex, and sulfamethoxazole.
2. Pain Relievers
If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, pain relievers are likely to be prescribed to you by a doctor. In most cases, doctors will prescribe Pyridium to help relieve pain and the burning sensations associated with bladder infections.
Ways to Avoid Bladder Infection and Related Infections
There is no sure way in which bladder infection can be prevented, but there are ways suggested by doctors which can greatly help.
1. Drink Cranberry Juice
This juice can be used together with antibiotics to offer a remedy for bladder infections. Cranberry has some substances that make it hard for bacteria to stick to the bladder walls makeasilyflushing them away easy.
2. Avoid Irritants
Irritants such as soaps, shampoo and the use of powders that have perfumes, can cause irritation to the urethra. Such irritants may also wash away the protective mucosal layer that protects the urethra from infection and should, therefore, be avoided at all costs. Deodorants and sprays should also not be applied to your vagina, to avoid cases of irritation.
3. Appropriate Clothing
Wearing underwears that are loose helps in controlling bladder infections because they don't trap moisture. Tight underwears may trap moisture, which will ultimately offer bacteria a good environment to grow.
In conclusion, with regard to Urinary Tract Infections, it can be seen that you can avoid contracting such infections. By strictly following the guidelines provided, such as observing hygiene among others, the prevalence of UTIs can be brought under control. The video attached here provides a complete guide on how to get rid of UTIs.
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