Top 9 Tips on How to Get Abs for Girls

By Hannah |
|5 min read

Most people believe that six packs are only necessary for men. Well, that notion is farfetched and doesn't hold any ground. Ladies can have six packs too, and they look pretty when they do. Several training exercises and healthy diet habits are needed to achieve this. For this reason, it is always advisable to seek training from a professional to help you achieve the results you desire. Here are some of the tips on how to get abs for girls.

Perform exercise activities consistently

The exercise activities that are of great importance when it comes to how to get abs for girls. For instance:

1. Plank

The plank works all the muscles of your core and is, therefore, a very effective way on how to get abs for girls. Besides, it also works your glutes and hamstrings - thereby supporting your posture and improving your balance. The plank also helps in burning calories and can be used as a strategy to manage weight loss.

2. Sit up exercise

Sit-ups are good for developing the abdominal muscles. Sit-ups also help you maintain a nice posture as well as developing your back muscles. The only downside is that you won't be able to see the six packs unless you first clear your abdominal fat. This means that sit-ups alone do not suffice as the best strategy for becoming a six pack girl if it is the sole exercise you are indulging in. You have to do this exercise with other activities to get abs.

3. Bicycle crunch

Keeping your legs off the ground generally puts your abdominal muscles to some work. Ideally, bicycle crunches are the best strategies for strengthening the abdominal muscle which is the highest set of ab muscles. This greatly improves your chances of getting a fully compact abdominal six-pack.

However, like push-ups, bicycle crunches are not effective for weight loss and are not helpful in reducing belly fat. It strengthens your muscles, but you won't notice if you still haven't cleared your abdominal fat.

4. Lying leg raise

Because this exercise involves lifting your legs off the ground, it is good for the lower abs just like the bicycle crunch. Lying leg raise targets mainly the hip flexors such as iliopsoas, and abdominal muscles particularly - external oblique and rectus abdominis.

One downside for this exercise is that double leg lifts can transform your health back into a bad back. The pain is usually due to the constant strain of the iliopsoas muscle pulling incessantly on the lumbar vertebrae from which it originates. Therefore, you should not overdo this exercise to ensure that you don't strain your back. Besides, you can always try out a variety of exercises to avoid monopolizing the lying leg raise technique.

5. Cardio exercises

Cardio exercises include swimming, running, and bicycling. Swimming is very efficient because it strengthens all muscles in the body. Running and bicycling improve your circulation and are a perfect way to burn off excess calories and can consequently lead to a drastic reduction in belly fat. Conveniently, these are the primary activities to start with to help you get rid of excess belly fat. Belly fat prevents the formation of abs despite the fact that you are strengthening your muscles.

Eat a healthy diet

  • Get enough nutrients

It is always important to get enough nutrients especially when you exercise. During intense muscular activity as in exercise, some muscles are worn out and a huge amount of energy is required to regenerate and heal the destroyed tissues. For this reason, your body will need vitamins and minerals to develop connective tissues, carbohydrates to supply the needed energy, and proteins to help in building the muscles following stimulation by increased activity.

  • Consume fewer calories than that you burn

One of the best ways to achieve weight loss success is always to consume fewer calories than the amount you burn in exercise. Doing this vice versa leads to the retention of excess calories which are then stored in the body as fat. The preferred area in the body for fat storage in the abdominal cavity and around the abdominal wall. This impairs your effort in obtaining a flat tummy and six-pack.

  • Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks

Highly processed foods and sugary drinks contain a lot of calories. They may be the reason why you are consuming more calories than you are burning. The net result is not always desirable.

  • Drink plenty of water

The process of fat metabolism in the body is called beta-oxidation. This process takes place in the mitochondria of the cell and requires a great amount of water. For your body to break down fats effectively, you should keep yourself constantly hydrated. Exercise also facilitates a rapid loss of body water hence the need to constantly replenish your stores.


"How to get a six pack women” may seem a very easy venture. But you need persistence and determination to get desirable results. The correct choice of exercise also matters. It is important to go for exercise activities that mainly target the abdominal muscles. Getting enough nutrients and staying hydrated is also important. Watch the following video and get more insight about abs for girls.



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