Major Causes and Treatments of Gel-Like Discharges and Cramps

By Heman |
|5 min read

In most cases, when a human discovers any kind of discharge from their bodies, they begin to worry. But such should not be the case with gel-like discharges and cramps that women experience around their vagina and lower abdomen respectively. In fact, when you see that vaginal discharge you should be happy. The cervix and vagina produce fluids that discharge, which helps in keeping the female reproductive system clean by getting rid of dead cells and bacteria that can cause vaginal infections. Mostly, the discharge and cramps appear during pregnancy, the menstrual cycle, or when breastfeeding. The discharge is mostly clear, milky in color, and may have some odor. But when you notice some change in consistency of the smell, color or intensity, consider visiting a doctor.

Major Causes of Clear Gel-Like Vaginal Discharges

Clear vaginal discharge can be due to a number of causes. When it's clear, all is well, but when it turns greenish or yellowish or anything that looks unfamiliar, consider visiting a doctor. Below is an explanation of the major causes.

1. Ovulation discharge

Ovulation occurs around the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. "Ovulation date” is defined as the day when a woman's ovary releases an ovum (female egg) for fertilization. But before this day, follicles produce estrogen hormones which cause the vaginal glands and the cervix to produce a jelly fluid discharge. This fluid looks thicker, clear, or sometimes white color. As ovulation date approaches, the fluid discharge increases and thickens, but reduces closer to your period date.

It is possible to use this jelly vaginal discharge to check your ovulation. All to do is insert a clean finger in your vagina. If you notice it's hard to locate your cervix, and the discharge appears like jelly, watery and clear, then you are almost ovulating. Do not confuse this jelly vaginal discharge to arousal fluid. Arousal fluid dries up in an hour while gel-like discharges does not.

Other signs of ovulation are:

  • Slight fall of basal temperature which mostly happens on the morning

  • A strong urge for intercourse

2. Pregnancy

It is possible to use gel-like discarges and cramps to determine if you have conceived. As noted above, the jelly-like fluid is visible before ovulation. After ovulation which happens on the 14th day mostly, the clear gel fluid discharge changes onto some thick and creamy looking mucus.

This continues until the onset of periods. The reduction of this jelly vaginal discharge happens since hormones that cause their production but controls ovulation diminishes with the onset of periods. At such time the vagina becomes dry. But if you have conceived but not realized it, the jelly vaginal discharge might signify pregnancy. If within a couple of days your vagina is not dry but the creamy jelly vaginal discharge keeps on increasing, there is a high possibility you're pregnant.

Other signs of pregnancy are:

  • Some food cravings

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea and morning sickness

  • Brownish jelly vaginal discharge due to uterus bleeding as implantation takes place.

  • Mild cramps

Other Causes and Treatments for Discharge and Cramps

When clear gel-like vaginal discharges and abdominal pains happen under normal circumstances, you do not feel any burning sensation, itching, smell some unpleasant odor, see a color change or any abnormality. If any of the named signs happen, you had best consult your doctor, as any of the following may be the cause.

1. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that causes painful cramping before and during periods, severe pain during intercourse, and irregular periods. Women who are menopausal are less likely to suffer from this.

Your doctor can opt for surgery or medications to treat this condition depending on the intensity of the condition. A doctor might offer you hormonal contraceptives, Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, and antagonist or danazol.

2. Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis causes abdominal pain and discharge of the vagina. Most women between the ages of 15 - 44 suffer from BV. In a woman's vagina, there are good bacteria and a few bad ones. If the bacteria balance is disrupted and the bad bacteria increase more than the good ones, BV occurs. BV increases the affinity of contracting STDs which causes abdominal pains and jelly vaginal discharge. About 30% of females experience BV during pregnancy. Doctors have not fully agreed on what really causes the bacteria imbalance although perfumed soaps are often blamed.

A doctor may prescribe any of the following medication to treat BV: Metronidazole, Tinidazole or Clindamycin.

3. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

PID is an inflammatory infection that affects the reproductive organs of a woman which include the ovaries, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and cervix. PID is caused by the same bacteria that cause chlamydia, gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). PID can be life-threatening.

Because it might be difficult to diagnose the specific bacteria causing the infection, a variety of antibiotics can be prescribed. For those having an abscess due to PID, surgeries can be the best option to take. And lastly, pregnant mothers who cannot take some antibiotics may need hospital treatment.

4. Cervical cancer

In case you suffer from cervical cancers caused by birth control pills or human papillomavirus (HPV), you will experience symptoms like pelvic pains and abdominal bleeding due to tumor growth or vaginal discharge.

Your doctor can suggest surgery to remove the tumor or use chemotherapy, radiation therapy or biological therapy You should always follow your doctor's advice.

In conclusion, when you realize any unusualness with your virginal discharge, do not assume it is okay. Make sure you see a gynecologist or a doctor as soon as possible. Earlier checking or treatment of the cause can save you a lot of grief. The point is, you should remain watchful to notice any change.



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