Is a Headache on Top of Head Bothering You? - Causes and Home Remedies

By Arabella Carroll |
|5 min read

A headache is typically a throbbing pain or discomfort in one or several parts of the head. Sometimes it could be more complicated than it seems. Though relatively common, headaches usually cause extreme discomfort among patients. Headaches on top of the head typically feel like a tight band is wound around the top of your head. With several triggers ranging from stress and poor sleeping habits to more serious underlying conditions like blood pressure, these headaches can be most successfully treated when the underlying cause is identified.

This article aims at pointing out the causes of pain on the top of the head, along with remedies that could help reduce the frequency and intensity of this affliction.

Possible Causes of Headache on Top of Head

Though headaches on top of the head are never pleasant, they are quite common and often may not require medical intervention unless accompanied by other symptoms. The pain in the head feels like a heavy object is resting on it. At times, the tension can be felt on associated parts like the neck, shoulders, and the occipital lobe (the back of the head just above the neck). Some common causes are:

1. Stress-o-meter

Commonly called a tension headache, stress induces a mild to moderate pain that can appear and disappear sporadically. These headaches typically don't require professional medical intervention, with headache sufferers settling for over-the-counter medicines in times of sharp pain.

2. The migraine debacle

Migraines are characterized by intense pain on top of the head that can be identified as debilitating, pounding pain. These are often accompanied by gastric issues like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and disinterest in food. These can last for several hours--at times, for multiple days. They also manifest in children accompanied by pallor, dizziness, and blurred vision.

3. Cold-stimulus headache

These are headaches caused when you consume something very cold like ice cream or ice water. Commonly known as brain freeze, these can be defined as a sharp pain felt on the frontal lobe as a response to the mentioned stimulus. It lasts for a few seconds to a minute and then disappears.

4. Sinusitis

Though often confused with migraines, sinus headaches are accompanied with stuffy nose. This is a dull pain felt on the top of the head which usually becomes intense when the patient bends over. This can be treated with home remedies and regular exercise to prevent nasal stuffiness.

5. Hypnic agony

Poor sleeping position may have many more side-effects besides lumbar pain. One of them is the sleep headache, which typically appear while waking up. Remedial posture correction can often help avoid this pain.

6. Exhaustion headache

These headaches typically appear in subjects that are either fatigued due to severe physical exertion or lack of sleep. It causes sluggishness and consequently reduces your overall productivity.

7. Primary cough headache

A primary cough headache appears because of excessive strain from activities like coughing, blowing the nose, crying, or even laughing, but such a headache usually resolve on its own.

Though the above-mentioned causes may not be serious, headaches could also be caused by some underlying serious illness.

8. Hypertension

High blood pressure could trigger severe episodes of headaches. The pain is sharp and accompanied with symptoms like shortness of breath and blurred vision. It could be a sign of life-threatening conditions.

9. RCVS (Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome)

It is characterised by a sudden onset of debilitating headache potentially due to an underlying emergency like intracranial bleeding or a stroke.

Remedial Measures to Relieve Pain on Top of the Head

Headaches on the top of the head can be relieved effectively with a few tips. These include:

  • Lifestyle changes

Simple effective changes in your day-to-day activities can help reduce frequency of these headaches.

Improve your posture: Improving the posture both while sleeping and during the day can help prevent sleep headaches.

Take regular exercise: Regular disciplined exercise along with Yoga can help you improve your mind-body control and increase blood circulation to the brain, and thereby reduce headaches.

Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep will not only reduce chronic headaches but also improve general health.

Reduce your stress: Good work-life balance can effectively reduce stress levels, thereby reducing the frequency of tension headaches.

  • Self massage

There are several muscles in the body that can help neutralize a painful episode without having to pop medicine. Massaging the sternocleidomastoid muscle (located on the side of the neck), the splenius capitis (located at the back of the neck), or the muscle running along the jawline can help relieve the tension that causes this pain.

This video can be used as a guide for self-massage to help reduce the pain on top of the head:

When visit to the doctor is imperative

However, headaches that seem chronic, severe, and are usually accompanied with other symptoms call for medical interventions. Some accompanying symptoms that warrant a visit to the hospital are:

  • Fever
  • Headaches that appear after a blow on the head
  • Severe constant pain along with pain near the temples
  • Blurred vision
  • Pain that compromises alertness or mental activities
  • Pain that becomes frequent in older people or pregnant women
  • Severe pain in patients (Hypertension, Hypotension, Heart ailments)
  • Pain that causes seizures or mood swings

Though agonizing, headache on top of the head, is a common discomfort experienced by the majority of the population. In a digital world where our eyes subjected to unusual amounts of brightness through computer screens, mobile devices, etc., small lifestyle changes and a disciplined approach to diet and exercise can help combat this pain in the long run.



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