Facts About Heart Rate You Must Know

By Hannah |
|5 min read

In simple words, the heart rate is the pace at which the heart beats in a minute. It is considered an important parameter to understand the health of a person. Whereas, a pulse rate is the pulse of blood flow that is felt due to the pumping of the heart each minute.

A heart rate chart varies from one age group to the other. To check the pulse, put two fingers gently on the wrists, side of the neck, or top of the foot for 15 seconds. Count the beats and multiply it by 4 to know the heart rate.

Resting Heart Rate for Various Age Groups

The resting heart rate (RHR) is the heart rate when you are sitting in a relaxed way or lying still. It ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. The following are RHR for different age groups.

1. Newborns

They fall in the range of 0 to 2 months. Newborns have a smaller body and a high metabolism rate. Therefore, their heart beats faster than an adults. A resting heart rate chart shows the newborns is as high as 70 to 190 beats per minute (bpm).

2. Infants

Infants are babies within the age range of 2 to 11 months. They have a slightly lower heartbeat than newborns but higher than the adults. Their resting heart rate is somewhere between 80 and 160 bpm.

3. Toddlers

As soon as the babies begin to crawl, they are called toddlers. Their age group is 1 to 3 years. The resting heart rate begins to slow down now and falls in the range of 80 to 130 bpm.

4. School-age kids

Children in the age range of 4 to 11 years are in their school-going phase. Until now, their body is comparatively more developed and the heart rate at rest is roughly 75 to 115 beats per minute.

5. Adults

Teenagers and adults have a more or less similar pulse rate chart. Teenagers are anywhere between 12 to 18 years and persons above 18 years of age are called adults. Their reference resting bpm is 60 to 100.

For a detailed information on heart rate, watch the video shared below.

Target Heart Rate While Working Out

Heavy work out sessions don't mean an excessively high heart rate. The heart rate would obviously increase but it should happen up to a limit. Below is the safe target heart rate chart for different age groups.

A maximum heart rate is the value achieved by subtracting the age from 220. For example, 220 - 20 (age in years) = 200 (Avg. Max. Heart rate). The maximum number of acceptable heart rate during exercise may not necessarily be the same for any two persons. Your target heart rate during any moderate activities should be about 50-70% of the maximum heart rate. While during vigorous exercise it should be about 70-85% of maximum heart rate.

How to Maintain a Healthy Heart Rate

Before following the self-help tips, consult a specialist and discuss your heart health issues with the doctor.

1. Steps to bring the heart rate down

If you are suffering from a high heart rate, practicing the following tips might soothe you and bring the high heart rate back to normal.

Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is all about being in the moment. Focusing on breathing takes the stress away and slowly brings the heart rate back to normal in no time.

Avoid stress: Stress creates an emotional upheaval, which ultimately leads to an elevated heart rate. For a healthier heart, avoid the unnecessary worries and stay light-hearted.

Diet: Eat more foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fats, magnesium, and fibers, like salmon, nuts, legumes, green veggies, and lean meat. These help to lower the high heart rate.

Proper treatment: Bringing the pulse rate chart down to normal is not possible without proper medications. So, apart from taking the above steps, meet the specialist and continue the treatment.

2. Steps to raise the heart rate to normal

When you have a heart rate below normal, doing the following things may bring it back to normal naturally.

Stretch out: Stretching the body muscles makes you sweat and increases the body temperature. As a result, the heart begins to beat faster and improves the blood flow naturally.

Aerobic workout: Walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, or even dancing gets your body moving and needs your heart to pump faster. These are interesting and effective ways to improve the heart rate.

Lift some weight: Lifting weight requires more blood supply to the muscles in use. As a result, the heart rate increases to compensate for the increased circulation of blood.


The resting heart rate chart and target heart rate chart differs from one age group to another. For the health of your heart, practice meditation, eat foods rich in magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids, do a light workout regularly, and take the medicines on time.



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